Republican hopeful Rick Santorum might have gained a few fans and followers for calling President Obama a “snob,” but it doesn’t look like he’ll win the war. During an address to the National Governor’s Association on Monday, President Obama sent a shot back to Santorum and managed to re-emphasize his position on education in America — all in one soundbite!

“When I speak about higher education we’re not just talking about a four-year degree,” Obama acknowledged, tacitly zinging the former Pennsylvania Senator. “We’re talking about somebody going to a community college and getting trained…for that manufacturing job that now is requiring somebody walking through the door handling a million-dollar piece of equipment.” Obama emphasized. “They can’t go in there unless they’ve got some basic training beyond what they received in high school.” Sounds very snobbish, don’t you agree?

While the response from Obama’s quip hasn’t registered yet, how will the GOP try and spin the President’s reaction to meet their needs? Is Obama showing leadership by engaging in subliminal banter with his competition?