In the midst of rising gun violence in the city of Chicago, one pastor took to the streets this weekend to help put an end to the city’s crime rate. John F. Hannah, Senior Pastor of New Life Covenant Church, has been on a mission to make a positive impact in one of Chicago’s most crime-ridden neighborhoods. The annual “On the 9” prayer event attracted thousands and created a 2-mile long prayer line to speak against the city’s violence. A number of faith-based organizations and churches were also in attendance, including Father Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina Church and pastor and musician Charles Jenkins of Fellowship Chicago Church.

“It’s not about this church, it’s not about this community, it’s about this city,” Hannah stated on the scene. “They need to see the impact of their violence.” Watch the video below to hear Pastor Hannah speak on this yearly initiative.  See poignant images of attendees holding up photos of their loved ones felled by Chicago shootings.