Black males, like their Black female counterparts, face unique challenges that require specific attention. One such challenge is seeing positive images from a wide variety of men who look like them. This is especially true today when young boys are bombarded with images from popular culture that continue to assassinate the Black male image (not to mention actual threats of violence to the lives of young boys and men).

Naturally, it was decided that a list of Black male scientists should be developed that highlights an alternative possibility for Black men, which is academic achievement in STEM. This list serves as evidence of examples of men who have overcome many challenges in their respective scientific fields and endeavors. Like the women featured in the “Sexy Black Female Scientists” article, this compilation of talented men defying the odds in academia will help to (re)define what it looks like and what it means to be young, gifted, Black, and interested in science for generations of Black men to come. Let’s change the narrative.’