In this click-bait and blog heavy era, it’s become quite evident that the motto “get it up first and check for accuracy later” is gaining momentum, while more independent publications want quick, detailed reporting and accuracy.

After all, the responsibility of a journalist is to inform. While engaging and entertaining are among the goals of a writer, the latter has taken on a life of its own with wild embellishments and commentary taken out of context.

Well, the lackluster reporting hasn’t found a fan in veteran actor and director Denzel Washington, who called out mainstream media for selling “BS”.

The comments came during a premiere screening of Washington’s upcoming film, FENCES – an adaptation of August Wilson’s 1983 stage play of the same name – and was in response to a fake news story that claimed he was switching his political support of then Democratic-nominee Hillary Clinton and joined the side of now president-elect Donald Trump.

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed,” Washington told ITK. “One of the effects of “too much information” is the need to be first, not even to be true anymore.”

The Oscar-winning actor continued, “So what a responsibility you all have –to tell the truth. In our society, now it’s just first — who cares, get it out there. We don’t care who it hurts. We don’t care who we destroy. We don’t care if it’s true. Just say it, sell it. Anything you practice you’ll get good at it — including BS.”

Here’s where Keenan Ivory Wayans’ character from “Don’t Be a Menace” pops in and exclaims, Message.