Aries [Mar 21st to April 19th]

#MeTime: So this is the first full week of your sign we’ve gotten. It’s particularly important because of the hook up between the Sun and the planet Uranus at the very tippy top of the week.  Uranus is the rebellious, unpredictable planet of the pantheon of planets, or the official planetary Kanye. For instance, Uranus doesn’t rotate like North to South like our planet, but East to West.  Basically, you feelin’ yourself now and nobody can tell you jack this week. Sounds like a good week to kick ish off that needs kickin’ if you ask me.


#Heartstrings:  This really is the start of your new year. Although the new moon is what really set off things, this first full week after has you lookin’ to get and have the new. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you’ll be setting your current squeeze by the curb, if you have one, as much as you want to be in full spring mode—experiencing good weather, good times and feelin’ good.  If that ain’t happenin’, people around you gonna know cuz you’re not going to be shy.  What we love about you though is that you won’t stand just for whining or complainin’ about stuff going wrong.  You’re gonna make your fun, so I ain’t too worried.

#MoneyMoves: In traditional astrology, when the Moon is in Taurus, your money sign, as she is at the start of this week, we say she’s exalted. This means that she has VIP status and can look out for you with your finances and making money, no matter if you got a lot or a little.  You just got to have a little patience, because Taurus is all about the slow and steady. (You might be able to do slow OR steady for a little while, but you ain’t a fan of doing both for long.)