Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

#MeTime:  I once heard Toni Morrison say that the beginning of a story also carried the seed of the ending.  As we settle into spring, I want you to pay careful attention to the beginning of things and use that attentiveness to craft the kind of ending you want…for whatever you’re doing. This is especially true for projects and ventures that you start in or around your home. If you can’t put your all into “doin’ the damn thing” this week, then don’t start them because you’re not likely to get all you want back.


#Heartstrings: When the Sun is in Aries and the Moon, in Taurus, astrologers describe both as being exalted. This means that they’re both in VIP mode and that might translate as kind of excitement and energy that’s hard to ground at first. It’s like hosting two big name celebrities in your house at once. You might find that you’re kinda edgy with no clear reason and that’s likely to radiate into your inner circle of loved ones.  It may be an excellent time to do activities with them, if the weather permits; or if it doesn’t, to venture into playing games, exercising, or some kind of house chores with them.

#MoneyMoves:  It’s true you’re prone to over think the nuances, often well past the point when other signs would be exhausted. And yes, Capricorn, we know you have contingency plans up the wazoo for the most imaginative, unlikely possibilities. Still, where your oft-overlooked genius shines brightest is your ability to roll up your sleeves, start over and change it all up. It’s the power of Aries that allows you to keep looking at each moment, each step in of itself. With the Sun and Uranus partnered up in Aries, this is a powerful time to recognize that. Though you might have challenges with actual time management this week, don’t be dismayed. It’s a reminder that if you stick to the moment, things can only go so wrong, plans work only so much. Come what may, you can and will roll with the punches.