Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

#MeTime:  Although grammatically it’s not correct, I get #Capricorn Denzel Washington when he said “Mo’ better makes it mo’ better” in Spike Lee’s “Mo Better Blues.”  Sometimes a little extra ain’t too much.  However, you want to be dutifully responsible and moderate. (Maybe you feel it’s best to leave the over enthusiasm and hype to Sagittarius, the sign before you.) But mo’ better is also striving for improvement and improvement doesn’t always come from doing just enough. Sometimes it pays to push things a little to the limit in order to really find the limit, not what you think or hope it is.


#Heartstrings: Sometimes I think that Capricorns don’t entertain options as much as they entertain contingency plans. (That’s only sometimes, though.)  This may be one of those times. I’m not knocking it, but you might want to pay attention to why you’re developing contingency plans in this arena of your life. No one likes to get hurt, but there are no successful insurance plans for a broken heart. Likewise speculating about what might happen if this person does x and then planning for that will drive you insane.  The risk management comes in how many arenas of engagement with lovers, family or friends you want to keep going at once.  Like I said, it’s good to have options, but be mindful of keeping such a variety as to offset the possibility of boredom or disappointment.  Put your heart into what matters. Fully. You can use your prodigious ability to plan to figure out what matters first, but don’t do more than that.

#MoneyMoves:  This eclipse last Sunday lets me know that you may be on the brink of a lot of busyness; so I feel obligated to tell you to be mindful of your health via the usual arenas: diet, sleep and exercise.  However, I’ll go an extra step farther to tell you also to be sober in your approach to all of the busyness, but not too much so. Sometimes having several pots on the burner is the only way to cook a meal, but it might be going the mile too far if you attempt to cook a meal (with several pots on the burner, so to speak) while also watching your favorite TV series and working out…without a timer.  Of course, all of this is a metaphor for you to focus on multiple arenas of a kind of activity without trying to make a hodgepodge of everything.