Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

#MeTime: With all these planets parked in your sign of home and domesticity (Pisces), I came across this quote from author Marilyn Thomsen that points perfectly to what’s going on with you: “What is the adventure in being ordinary? It is daring to love just for the pleasure of giving it away. It is venturing to give new life and to nurture it to maturity. It is working hard for the pure joy of being tired at the end of the day. It is caring and sharing and giving and loving…” Enjoy being at home, and be in your joy while there.


#Heartstrings: You normally can find a joke or funny spin on something, but this week you might be a lil touchier than usual.  It’s hard usually for fire signs, like yours, to let feelings stand as they are without trying to shake out of ‘em or find some rational justification for what you feel.  You gotta respect your feelings as they are, not as you want them to be.  So if you’re hurt, let somebody know.  I know that’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’ll even be harder to sort out your feelings if you make things worse with trying to laugh them away or, worse, denying them.  Trust that a loved one can handle the truth of how you’re feeling.

#MoneyMoves: Spending money with your feelings first and only leads to you paying for it with your butt, usually.  Perhaps you’re reminiscing and want to make yourself feel better by buying things that remind you of “home” or a simpler time.  There’s nothing wrong with a lil nostalgia.  It only becomes a problem if you attempt to buy the past at present cost, like paying $200 for a pair of vintage jeans that cost $60 in 1989.  The sweetness of nostalgia is that it’s a reminder of the love we’ve embodied, not usually a call to embody the same manifestation of love.