Scorpio (October 22nd to November 21st)

When Mercury goes retrograde in your Zodiac wisdom center, the sign of Cancer, I have to think you’ve become some kind of wise fool. So others may misread your wisdom for folly and your folly for wisdom. All the while you may initially be frustrated by the confusion, especially from loved ones who are supposed to just “get you.” And that’s the foolish part, actually.  Wisdom often likes to play with assumptions, yours or those held by others.  With this Mercury retrograde, it’s time for you to pay careful attention to the assumptions you have about how others should understand you or “just know” what’s broodily swimming around in your mind.  Nobody knows all of it. Real wisdom will be figuring out how to share what you can reveal and taking notes on the parts of your own mind you’ve yet to figure out.

Samuel F. Reynolds is a NYC-based astrologer. His personal consultations have been described as “healing” and “brilliantly insightful.” He’s offering special, recorded 1-hour consultations for $75 for readers, in person or by phone/skype. For more info, visit, write [email protected] or follow him on twitter at @sfreynolds.