Taurus (April 20th to May 21st)

If you took the initiative last week to follow through on some signs and signals on how to move forward with stalled projects, ventures and desires, then this week acts like a full blown confirmation and illumination for the road into 2014 and be-yond. If you sat on your hands, then you might be surprised by some sudden shifts and changes that you saw coming but you stubbornly pretended like you didn’t see coming. That stuff might work to bide you some time with an impatient customer, partner or boss, but don’t break the cardinal commandment of BS’ing, please: Thou shalt not BS thyself. If you can afford not to do that this week, then you’ll be in a bet-ter position to head off a bigger mess that could surface next week…during the holidays…when you’re supposed to be chillin’…and you don’t want that (in case we’re not clear enough.)

Samuel F. Reynolds is a NYC-based astrologer. His personal consultations have been described as “healing” and “brilliantly insightful.” He’s offering special, recorded 1-hour consultations for $95 for Ebony.com readers, in person or by phone/skype. For more info, visit return2thesource.com, write [email protected] or follow on Twitter at @sfreynolds.