An inhibited sexual libido, other health conditions and a lack of sexual attraction to your mate might be just a few reasons why your sex life may suffer. But according to researchers, there’s a more scientific reason–or three–why you are no longer in the mood to have sex.

A new study published in BMJ Open took a look at data from a sample survey taken between 2010 and 2012. It asked people a variety of questions about sex, and included 4,839 men and 6,669 women between the ages of 16 and 74 who had at least one sexual partner in the past twelve months.

Overall, 15 percent of men and more than 34 percent of women reported having a lack of interest in sex. According to researchers, the disinterest was related to age, physical and mental health for both sexes.

The lack of desire was also more prevalent in those who reported having been diagnosed with an STD in the past. Those who had been forced to have sex before also reported a lower interest.

Researchers also noted that men and women who struggled with sexual issues in the last year, didn’t feel emotionally close to their partner during sex or weren’t able to easily engage in dialogue about sex and intimacy were also less motivated to engage in sexual activity.


Read more at Women’s Health.