A University of Cincinnati police officer who shot a motorist after stopping him over a missing front license plate pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges of murder and involuntary manslaughter. Twenty-five-year-old Ray Tensing appeared at his arraignment wearing a striped jail suit, with his hands cuffed behind him. He was indicted Wednesday in the July 19 shooting of 43-year-old Samuel DuBose during a traffic stop.

People in the courtroom audience erupted into cheers and clapping when Common Pleas Judge Megan Shanahan set bond at $1 million, drawing her ire. “Ladies and gentlemen! This is a courtroom,” the judge said sharply. “You will conduct yourselves at all times!” Prosecutors had asked for the $1 million bond. Shanahan rejected the defense’s contention that Tensing wasn’t a flight risk. Tensing is due back in court Aug. 19.