As electric vehicles rise in popularity— thanks to lines like "Is that my bestie in a Tesie?," from California rapper Saweetie— it's time to weigh the pros and cons of making the switch to an EV. There are now dozens of brands and models on the market, including the sleek Mustang Mach-E, Tesla Model 3, and the Chevy Bolt.

Earlier this year, as gas prices drastically increased, many considered making the jump almost immediately in an effort to mitigate already inflated expenses. But, is the price tag really worth the potential savings that could come from not having to fill up at the pump? While the answer will ultimately boil down to your personal preference and budget, here are the pros and cons of purchasing electric vehicles.


Lower Operating Costs: According to Consumer, most electric vehicles won't cost as much to maintain because they aren't built with the same systems and components that regular vehicles come with. Meaning, you likely won't have to take your EV in for scheduled fluid changes or tuneups.

Less Pollution: Because the cars don't require gasoline, they are typically much better for the environment. EVs produce no particulate or smog-causing tailpipe emissions, which are a significant contributing factor in causing asthma and other air pollution-related illnesses.

More Convenient: Having to stop to fuel up can be frustrating. But, the convenience of being able to plug in and recharge at home is unmatched. Additionally, EVs can pick up speed faster than gasoline powered cars, and they are very quiet due to a lack of engine noise.

Tax Credit Eligibility: We all enjoy tax breaks where ever we can, especially entrepreneurs. Most electric vehicles are eligible for up to a $7,500 tax credit that is said to be to help offset the extra cost.


Typically Are More Expensive: This will depend on the make, model and year you choose, but EVs tend to have heftier upfront costs compared to other vehicles. Compact base models can be found for around $30,000, but the average EVs range anywhere from $40,000 to well into the six-figures.

You Get Less Mileage: Most EVs can now get just over 200-miles before needing to be charged. The average gasoline-powered vehicle can get anywhere from 400-500 miles. Most drivers will opt for plug-in hybrid models because they can get the same mileage as fully gasoline-powered cars without the need to have to stop at a gas station— unless you're on a long road trip and far from a plug-in station or your home.

Charging Can Take Up To An Hour or More: Depending on how low your battery is, your charging time could cut into your day. Of course, an EV owner will plan accordingly for this, but it must be noted that charging can go anywhere from 20 minutes up to over an hour. Luckily, you can charge at home overnight if you know you plan to drive longer distances the following day.