I can remember three distinct times I’ve been “skinny” in my whole life. The first was freshman year at Savannah State University. I spent the summer before working out twice a day (running on the treadmill and jamming to Paula Abdul’s Get Up and Dance! exercise tape) and only eating oatmeal and beef patties. I was determined not to become a victim of the Freshman 15.

The second time I was slim was the summer of my brother’s wedding. I refused to be “chubby” in pictures that would last a lifetime! So I buckled down to only one meal a day, and detox tea whenever I got hungry. The last time I was at my ideal weight was last year. I was suffering from a serve case of insomnia and anxiety, which caused me to simply lose my appetite… and thus, pounds.

Clearly none of these methods worked long term (or were healthy) or I wouldn’t be writing to you today. I’ve always heard that Weight Watchers works, even pre-Jennifer Hudson, so I was elated when I was asked to participate in their new program, “Personal Coaching.”

Weight Watchers’ Personal Coaching brings human interaction to its online members for the first time, while also providing greater personalization and connection in between meetings for their meeting members. Through thousands of Weight Watchers experts, they’ll be pairing, at scale, the world’s leading, clinically proven weight-loss program with the personal support, skills and community needed for a successful weight loss journey.

I met my weight loss coach Catherine just after New Years’. She shared her own struggles with repeatedly loosing and gaining weight in her adulthood. We chatted about my problem areas (snacking and drinking alcohol socially at work events). Then we devised a plan to prepare my meals and snacks in advance, and to track drinks before attending events on the Weight Watchers app.

While only in the third week of this process, I definitely see a change in the way I eat and even think about food. Hopefully in a few months, I’ll be one of the many success stories of Weight Watchers.

Learn more about Weight Watchers here.