Diane Primo


Diane Primo

Founder and CEO, IntraLink Global

Diane Primo is the founder and CEO of IntraLink Global, a digital integrated communications agency. They focus on defining strong brands and building awarenesss through thought leadership, content and video marketing. They recognize that effective public relations agencies must be strong branders, creative, digital and technologist. The company's knowledge of brand value innovation and content strategy makes them a unique player in the marketing arena.

Diane holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and a B.A. from Smith College; has pioneered new products, processes, and systems during her 30-year marketing career; and has led some of the top marketing organizations in the country. Before founding lntraLink Global, Diane held several high-profile positions at major companies. She served as General Manager at Quaker Oats, President of Product Management at Ameritech and SBC (currently AT&T), Chief Marketing Officer of CDW, and was the CEO of a leiner Perkins-backed e-commerce start-up in the home services sector in 2000. Her range of experiences and successes make her an accomplished B2B and B2C marketer, an unusual combination.

Diane is not only an expert marketer-serving as a regular contributing columnist on Huffington Post-but also a humanitarian. She is a recipient of the Hassenfield Global Humanitarian Award and was a presenter at the GB UK Deauville Partnership Summit along with Cherie Blair and Sumaya bint El Hassan, Princess of Jordan. As co-chairman of the nationally recognized Primo Center for Women and Children, Diane has been featured on ABC News for Black History Month. She is currently an advisor to Capri Investment Group-Capri Capital Partners and a board member for Call One.

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