Despite the challenges of a slow economy, staunch right-wing opposition, and a divided electorate, President Obama was able to overcome the odds and win a second term in office. Because of this, and the seemingly endless challenges he has had to face while in office, Time magazine once again named President Obama the ‘Person of the Year.’

While some will see this as yet another unearned honor for the President, but the reelection of the first black president to a second term is a monumental occasion and shows the first time around was not a fluke.

In spite of his win, President Obama seems reflective about the weight of the presidency:

“You do understand that as President of the United States, the amount of power you have is overstated in some ways,” President Obama said. “But what you do have the capacity to do is to set a direction.”

After winning a second election and cementing his place in the annals of presidential history, President Obama will have more time to sure-up his legacy and set the direction which will hopefully help more Americans, including those who look like him, get ahead