Your baby’s newborn days are a precious time the two of you will spend bonding, snuggling, and getting to know one another. It’s also a busy time during which your infant has many needs to be met. Breastfeeding mamas can attest that nursing is an activity you will spend a lot of time engaging in.

If you have chosen to breastfeed, you may initially find yourself overwhelmed by the plethora of products available. EBONY has taken the guesswork out of figuring out what's best on the market. Here are six must-have items that make the nursing experience easier and more comfortable.   

Original Nursing Support
Throughout the years, various types of nursing pillows with added features have appeared, but this simple, basic pillow is all you need.This U-shaped pillow is designed to help you position your infant for nursing. It is placed on your lap and wraps around your waist, then baby is rested on top.

Price: $45

Shop at Boppy
purelan_landing Kopie
Purelan Lanolin Cream
Applying a nipple cream helps moisturize, soothe and protect sore, cracked nipples. And not to worry, Medela's natural medical-grade lanolin is completely safe for your baby.

Price: $9

Shop at Amazon
Single or Double Portable Breast Pump
Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or heading back to work, you will need a quality breast pump.

Price: $190

Shop at BabyBuddha
Super Wishes
SuperMom Skin-to-Skin Nursing And Pumping Bralette
Owning a pumping bra makes it easy for hands-free pumping. Plus this comfortable nursing bra allows easy access baby access for your baby to feed.

Price: $30

Shop at Simple Wishes
Stay Dry Disposable Nursing Pads (100 count)
Leaks are bound to happen. Disposable breast pads help you stay dry and prevent your clothing from becoming wet and milk-stained.

Price: $10

Shop at Lansinoh
Itzy Ritzy
Breastfeeding Boss
Moms who prefer to have privacy while breastfeeding in public will want to keep a nursing cover in their diaper bag. Itzy Ritzy’s muslin wrap transforms from a swaddle blanket to a nursing cover in seconds.

Price: $15

Shop at Itzy Ritzy