British Track Star Mo Farah Shares He Was Trafficked as a Child in the UK
Long distance runner Sir Mo Farah shared with the BBC that he was illegally brought to the UK from his home in East Africa as a child. During this time, the four time Olympic gold medalist was forced to become a domestic servant and given the name Mo Farah. In a snippet from an upcoming documentary with BBC, he explained his reasoning for wanting to share this truth and that his real name is Hussein Abdi Kahin and that he was born in Somaliland.

Jury Finds 2017 Shooting of Pregnant Mother Charleena Lyles Justified

Last week, an jury inquest found two police officers responsible for the murder of Charleena Lyles in 2017 not guilty. Pregnant with very obvious challenges as a result of mental illness, Lyles was shot to death in her home after lunging at police while her young children witnessed the encounter. The details of her death sparked outrage and protests across the country at the time. Six King County coroner’s jurors unanimously decided that the officers were justified in their usage of deadly force as they believe there was no other alternative in the situation.

The Rock's Daughter Makes WWE Debut

Simone Johnson, daughter of actor and wrestling legend Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson recently made her debut into the world of pro-wrestling. Following in the footsteps of four generations before her, Johnson, who adopted the name "The Final Girl," did her first showing at NXT, an event for the women’s division of WWE. 

Condoleezza Rice Joins Denver Broncos Ownership Organization

Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has officially entered the world of football as the newest member of the Denver Broncos ownership group. Prior to this announcement, it was rumored that Rice was sought out for a head coaching job with the Cleveland Browns. As part owner, she will join forces with Walmart heir Rob Walton.