Aries (March 21st to April 19th)
Last week I advised you against staring down people and things to make something happen. This week I encourage you to foster as much organic growth as possible with a caveat—you might have to give things a nudge here and there, like a gardener does trimming and uses support rods. This applies to people and work projects. Don’t let your enthusiasm and determination to make things work get the best of you at the wrong moment. You’re also challenged to use patience and a little bit of planning as Mercury teams up with plodding Saturn on Tuesday. By the time, you see the 1st half of the moon in the night sky on Friday night, you should feel better about how things are moving ahead. If not, you’ll have a better shot toward the middle of next week.

Samuel F. Reynolds is a NYC-based astrologer. His personal consultations have been described as “healing” and “brilliantly insightful.” He’s offering special, recorded 1-hour consultations for $95 for readers, in person or by phone/skype. For more info, visit, write [email protected] or follow on twitter at @sfreynolds.