Terry Crews recently thanked Black women for their unwavering support of him after he accused Adam Venit of sexual assault. Crews said the film executive groped him in front of his wife at an industry party, leaving him unsure of how to handle the very public and embarrassing situation.

Black men, according to the actor, have been less understanding. Crews recently took issue with comedian D.L. Hughley’s assertion that the former athlete is too strong to allow a man to touch him inappropriately.

“I think it’s hard for me to think that a dude with all those muscles can’t tell an agent to not touch his ass … I don’t understand it,” Hughley said during an interview with VladTV. “I think that now everybody’s so into this notion that everybody’s like, ‘It happened to me, too.’ Aye motherf*cka, God gave you muscles so you can say, ‘No,’ and mean it.”


Crews responded to the clip, asking Hughley what he was truly implying, with the Contrarian comic responding, "You saw the video!"


The two then went back and forth over whether Crews should have been more aggressive in defending himself, with the Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor asking the stand-up should he "slap the sh*t" out of him if he really believes that's the way to address toxic behavior.


Crews expressed his disappointment in Hughley and others he feels have mocked his experience.
